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cleaning recruitement uk

Cleaning recruitment

Become a Nova Clean partner


A major player in the cleaning sector

NOVA CLEAN is a platform dedicated to the cleaning sector with almost 200 websites in Europe and UK, the number one position on the internet and a constantly growing network turnover. Every day, we put private or professional customers in touch with self-employed cleaning contractors or companies. Nova Clean is constantly looking for qualified professional partners in the cleaning sector to satisfy its customers.

Join the Nova Clean network

Are you a cleaning company? Are you mobile and able to provide a wide range of cleaning services in your area? The Nova Clean platform is constantly on the lookout for cleaning partnerships that will enable you to start up your business with regular customers or increase your sales and turnover and create a real business.

cleaning recruitement uk

Recruitment of cleaning companies for partnerships or subcontracting


We are looking for people in any part of England who would like to work with NOVA CLEAN, who can travel and provide quality services in their town or region. A vehicle and cleaning equipment are required. Please contact us via our recruitment section.

Submit your application using this form or contact us by email at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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